
The blog experience

 Today i´m gonna write aboute my experience in this blog.  I really like this type of activities, I never do this before so it was a new experience. I can say that the post that I enjoy writing most it´s when we write about a holiday and what we did the past week (in that moment), I think this is becouse usually I don´t remember a lot of memories so thia was like an exercise lol, for other side I don´t enjoyed to much when we write about our favorite social media, just becouse i think that it is not a really interesting topic, but actually it´s not a big deal I don´t care if we have to write about that. In my personal experience I really enjoy writing this blog, because it´s so diferent to the others activities in others asignatures. This blog help me a lot with the vocabulary and how write in english, how I have to use the verbs and that type of things. I have to say the blog that I enjoy reading it´s "el blog de la cata" becouse it´s my friend so is interesting read her sto

tv show that I watched as a child

 today i’m gonna write about “Sony with a chance” it’s a tv show that usually was in Disney Chanel, it’s about a girl called Sony Monroe, she gonna be a actress in Los Angeles so she move to there. I remember that i really enjoy this show as a child, because was funny and the principal actress it’s Demi Lovato, I think this show was canceled or something like ,that, i don’t have memories about watched for a log time, actually the show just has 42 episodes and 2 season so yeah probably was just a short show or was canceled. I love this type of shows like “Wizard of weverly place”, this it’s an other great show from Disney, I would like to watch this shows again.

bbc learning english

 Hi, today i´m gonna talk about an activity that I done in the website BBC Learning English. First of all, the name of the activity it´s   Losing your mother tongue, it´s from the intermediate level of  vocabulary and it´s an audio of 6 minutes. About the content, it´s the history of a woman from  Czech  that lose her mother tongue becouse she with her family leave their country, so this woman as a child have to learn a new lenguage and now she just speak english, she said that was difficult but she trust and had faith in herself. so in this activity I could learn some new words like dunked into , sort itself out , full-fledged, either-or . I think the audio was too fast for me but I think that it´s okey and is a really good way to learn a new lenguage like english and just take 6 minutes of my life, so I really liked this activity and the entire website.

A country that I would like to visit

 Hi, I think one of the countries that i would love to visit it’s Greece, always I believe that it’s a country really interesting, specially for the architecture and for the all history that Greece have about the culture. also i would like visit Italy for the culture and architecture too, actually i would like live here and finish my studies in the south of Italy maybe in the beach it’s a dream.


 Hi, today i’m gonna talk about 2 of my good friends in the FAU, their names at Catalina and Tamara, both are from Curico. In the first semester of university I was so nervous to make new friends, I thought that maybe I never gonna found a really good friend here, but In taller 1 we spend a lot of hours together sharing ideas of projects and other things, so thanks to this class the three of us come closer with other friends.  on the vacation cata and tamara go back to curico and i’m from here santiago so I stay here in Santiago, I don’t see them for like 3 month's, this makes that in march when we have to back to class was more special I think. I enjoy de time that we spend together because we laugh a lot and we have the same sense of humor so no one get offended, also we like to go to found clothes of second hand and go to eat vegan completos because cata and tamara are veggie, i’m not, but I don’t mind, cata always says that I have to become veggie, I think some day gonna happen

Family meal

hello, today i´m gonna write about a family meal... I just remember one meal that we have like a family and it was in Jun of the 2021, we were in a restorant celebrating the wedding of my sister so this was really special to all. If I remmenber well this meal was actually really chill and casual, something to share between the 2 families ( the husband family and us). about the food, we ate hamburgers, I remmeber that wasn´t good, maybe my just burger it wasn´t good. I can´t remmeber the place but I think its was in ñuñoa. I don´t remmember anything else :(

the last week

  today I´m gonna write about what I did the past week. firstly the tuasday was really fun because I went to the MAC (the museum) with a friend of the university, his name is Tamara, actually we wanted go to the Bellas Artes but we can´t because was closed. After of the museum we went to a coffe shop called Domestico, the place it´s small but pretty and warm, and the coffe it´s great, I had an ice Mochaccino and a carrot cake, I have to say that this cake was a piece of art. I enyoy so much this kind of activities because I like talk with the other person, I like walk and I like the art, maybe I don´t know to much about it, but I enjoy it. The rest of the week I don´t did to much but the sunday I went to vote, a little bit boring but we have to be responsible whit this things. Maybe other thing that I did was wach a movie, the name it´s "Lazzaro Felice", is an italian movie and I recomended if you like the movies that makes you think about the life, it´s not an usual type of