bbc learning english

 Hi, today i´m gonna talk about an activity that I done in the website BBC Learning English.

First of all, the name of the activity it´s Losing your mother tongue, it´s from the intermediate level of  vocabulary and it´s an audio of 6 minutes. About the content, it´s the history of a woman from Czech that lose her mother tongue becouse she with her family leave their country, so this woman as a child have to learn a new lenguage and now she just speak english, she said that was difficult but she trust and had faith in herself.

so in this activity I could learn some new words like dunked into, sort itself out, full-fledged, either-or. I think the audio was too fast for me but I think that it´s okey and is a really good way to learn a new lenguage like english and just take 6 minutes of my life, so I really liked this activity and the entire website.


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