The blog experience

 Today i´m gonna write aboute my experience in this blog. 

I really like this type of activities, I never do this before so it was a new experience. I can say that the post that I enjoy writing most it´s when we write about a holiday and what we did the past week (in that moment), I think this is becouse usually I don´t remember a lot of memories so thia was like an exercise lol, for other side I don´t enjoyed to much when we write about our favorite social media, just becouse i think that it is not a really interesting topic, but actually it´s not a big deal I don´t care if we have to write about that.

In my personal experience I really enjoy writing this blog, because it´s so diferent to the others activities in others asignatures. This blog help me a lot with the vocabulary and how write in english, how I have to use the verbs and that type of things.

I have to say the blog that I enjoy reading it´s "el blog de la cata" becouse it´s my friend so is interesting read her stories and memories, also I like read the teacher blog just because he had a lot of stories and cool experiences. About the blog I don´t have bad things to say, I really think that it´s a good way to learn how express my ideas in other lenguage.



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