the last week


today I´m gonna write about what I did the past week. firstly the tuasday was really fun because I went to the MAC (the museum) with a friend of the university, his name is Tamara, actually we wanted go to the Bellas Artes but we can´t because was closed. After of the museum we went to a coffe shop called Domestico, the place it´s small but pretty and warm, and the coffe it´s great, I had an ice Mochaccino and a carrot cake, I have to say that this cake was a piece of art. I enyoy so much this kind of activities because I like talk with the other person, I like walk and I like the art, maybe I don´t know to much about it, but I enjoy it.

The rest of the week I don´t did to much but the sunday I went to vote, a little bit boring but we have to be responsible whit this things. Maybe other thing that I did was wach a movie, the name it´s "Lazzaro Felice", is an italian movie and I recomended if you like the movies that makes you think about the life, it´s not an usual type of movie, but I really liked. 

So that it´s what I do the past week :)


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