
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2023
 So one of my favorite  social media page it´s TikTok, I think I don´t have just one page to visit in this app, but I can tell you that my foryou page have a lot of diferent content, from comedy to fashion, some times I search recipes , it´s more easy because the videos are short and in this app literally I can find a lot of things. I´m not sure when I discovered tiktok, but probably was like 3 years ago for a friend, maybe was a big mistake because now I procrastinate so much and I blame tiktok, actually when I have a lot of things to do for the university I have to undowload it and when I have time I dowload again, some times I try to put limits to myself and it works, but just sometimes tho. I think that I prefer fashion content, like when people show their outfits, hoe you can notice I spend a lot of time in tiktok, I will change this habit. 
 A holiday as a child  I think that one of my favorite vacations as a child was when my family (my sister and my parents) and me went to Algarrobo with my cousins an their parents, I think that it’s one of my most special vacations, because we spend a lot of time like a family an playing diferents things. In that time my female cousins participate in cheerleader, so they teach me to do things that they usually do in cheerleader, I´m so bad at it, but it´s okey I was like 8 years old so was really fun for me.  other things that I remember it´s eat "palmeritas" or typical chilean candy’s, all together in the beach (the palmeritas are easy a beautiful and delicious piece of art). I love the beach but at the same time I hate it, my problem it’s actually with the sand, I really hate when you are eating something and you notice a weird sound and texture, and oh surprise it’s de sand,  it’s just in everywhere, but what else can expect at the beach.  Maybe the beach it’s no my favori
 hi, today i want to tell you guys what it´s my hobby. The truth is that I procrastinate a lot, but when I decide to invest my time, I really like draw and paint, I think that the reason why I engoy so much this hobby it´s because when I´m painting it´s just me and  I can do whatever I want. Actually one thing that I like to do it´s go outside and draw things that I think can be interesting like plants, streets, people, situations, some things like that. A months ago I buy a little skecthbook for draw in any place and I use drawing pens like fine-tipped ink pen.                                             this is the scketchbook and pen that I use the mostly time. Maybe other hobby that I learnd no so much time ago is knit, but just crochet, I realliy liked but the problem it´s the time that I have to invest in this, in vacations I usually knit every day, but now that I´m the university I don´t have time like in vacations. bye XOXO